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What Will You Do When You’re Facing a Big Project at Work?

Let’s say you’ve just been assigned a big project at your job. You’re probably excited and a little scared. With so much to do, it can be difficult to figure out where to start and what kind of resources you’ll need. You may also be wondering what effect this will have on your career.

It’s challenging to bring a huge project to completion, but you can also take pride in what you’re accomplishing.

Use these tips to help you get motivated, organize your work, and collaborate with others.

Motivate Yourself:

  1. Celebrate early wins. Make a list of small tangible things you can do immediately. Those victories will help you build momentum. They may even impress your boss and coworkers.
  2. Reward yourself. When the final outcomes are a long way off, immediate rewards may give you an incentive to persevere. Promise yourself a fancy coffee drink or a new scarf each time you reach an important milestone.
  3. Take breaks. Pausing to relax and refresh will help you to avoid burnout. Take a break about every hour to stretch and walk around. Chat with your coworkers or read a magazine.
  4. Play games. The same tasks require less effort when you take a playful approach. Challenge yourself to beat your own best time at writing computer code or filling out timesheets. Test out some of the productivity apps that use a point system to reward you for your performance.


  1. Break it down. Dividing your giant project into a number of smaller projects will make it seem a lot more manageable. List each necessary task and prioritize them. Create a timeline and figure out who will take primary responsibility. Keep your plan updated as you go along.
  2. Minimize distractions. You may need to clear some other things off your plate to make room for your new venture. Identify activities you could postpone or delegate to others. Cut down on time wasters like watching YouTube or attending unnecessary meetings.
  3. Manage your time. Block out your day in advance so you cover your main objectives. Schedule demanding activities for those hours when you’re at your peak.
  4. Set interim deadlines. Decide what needs to be completed and when in order for you to meet your ultimate deadline. Use those dates to help you evaluate your progress.
  5. Be flexible. Be prepared for the unexpected. Learn from setbacks and try to use them to your advantage.


  1. Ask for help. Let your family and friends know what you’re doing and how they can help, whether it’s picking up more chores at home or suggesting fun activities to relieve stress. Examine your network to see who has relevant knowledge and abilities.
  2. Form a team. Build a team of colleagues who have the appropriate background for each component of your project. Look for people who will complement your strengths and work effectively together. Set clear expectations and communicate openly. Share credit and let them know how much you appreciate their contributions.
  3. Share experiences. Chances are your project resembles something that’s already been tried, whether it’s in your company or another industry. Research the subject and try to contact the participants. You may be able to uncover valuable information with a phone call or online chat.
  4. Strengthen accountability. Team up with someone who will help you stick to your commitments. Set up regular check-in times to discuss your progress and ensure you’re staying on track.

Tackling a big project gives you a chance to stretch your skills and learn more about yourself. Make it a positive experience by preparing for your new role and using it to advance your career.

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